1-19 Enrollment
2-19 CY2019 Budget
3-19 Wadsworth Gym
4-19 Geothermal Grant
5-19 Hydroelectric Grant
6-19 Attorney Fees Grant
7-19 OST Authroized Signers
8-19 Wadsworth Bypass Road BIA Right of Way
9-19 Wadsworth Bypass Road Compensations
10-19 Band of the West Signers
11-19 Invesco Trustee Signers
12-19 FY2020 DHS FEMA PDM Grant
13-19 Enrollment
14-19 RY2020 EPA Environmental Justice CPS Grand
15-19 Transient Lodging Tax Increase 2019
16-19 NV4-19 Wadsworth Sites
17-19 2019 BIA RIA Grant Application
18-19 2019 BIA INWM Grant Application
19-19 CTAS
20-19 EPA Clean air Funds
21-19 BIA Withdrawals
22-19 Enrollment
23-19 Tribal Sexual Assault Grant
24- L&O Code 3.03.308 b. Arbitration
25-19 BIA Grazing Permit Extension
26-19 Tax Department Counsel Fredericks Law Firm LLC
27-19 Land Assignment
28-19 Elder Fall Prevention Grant
29-19 Tribal Transit ADA Plan
30-19 Tribal Transit Title VI and LEP Plan
31-19 Volkswagon Settlement
32-19 BIA DEMD Hydro Geothermal Grant Amendment
33-19 Enrollment
34-19 BIA Child Passenger Safety Seat Grant
35-19 BIA Transportation Updated TTIP
36-19 NDOT 5311 Formula Grant for Rural Areas Transit
37-19 Non-Native Trespass Notice with Protective Order
38-19 Land Assignment
39-19 RFP Request Grant Writing Services
40-19 Summer Foods Program
41-19 NV Division of Tourism Tribal Marketing Grant
42-19 ED Committee Stipend
43-19 Valley Road River Bank Erosion
44-19 Economic Development Committee
45-19 Enrollment
46-19 USDA Broadband Grant Application
47-19 Land Moritorium
48-19 Personel P&P Bereavement Leave
49-19 Law and Order Code Chapters 1,2,3
50-19 Land Assignment
51-19 Social Services Title IV Grant