Filming and Photography Policies



Film Photo Policy

Resolution PL-31-10

Film Permit Application

Filming Permit

Photography Permit

Filming & Photography Policies and Regulations

No person shall film or engage in photography within the boundaries of the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation without first applying for and obtaining a permit from the Tribe. All permits shall be applied for by submitting the proper application to the Tribal Chairman in advance of filming and photographing. On May 7, 2010 the Pyramid Lake Tribal Council approved resolution #PL-31-10 which created an administrative Tribal policy to regulate filming and photography activities on the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation. The purpose of this policy is to streamline filming and photography activities on the reservation and ensure that Tribe is portrayed appropriately in film and photography projects.




According to Section 1.1 of the policy; “Film” or “Filming” shall mean any and all live or motion picture productions whether made on or by film, electronic tape, or any other electronic device used to produce theatrical motion pictures, television entertainment motion pictures, industrial motion pictures, television commercials, or print media. Filming shall include the erection and dismantling of the equipment associated therewith

According to Section 1.2 of the policy; “ Photography” shall mean black and white or color still photography which is performed under contract for profit or may be sold for profit at a later date.



Film (Fees can be waived by approval of the Pyramid Lake Tribal Council)

a) An application fee in the amount of $100.00 shall be due and payable at the time of submittal of the filming Permit application.

b) Filming for feature films, commercials, scripted television shows, music videos, corporate videos, and other similar filming projects shall be subject to a $1,000 per day filming fee. All such fees shall be paid in advance.

Photography (Fees can be waived by approval of the Pyramid Lake Tribal Council)

a) An application fee in the amount of $50.00 shall be due and payable at the time of submittal of the Photography Permit application.

b) Photography for commercial uses such as a magazine, catalogue, advertisements, for sale photographic artwork, books, modeling and other similar commercial photography projects shall be subject to a $500 per day photography fee. All such fees shall be paid in advance.


The following photography and filming activities are exempt from the policy: 

a) Individuals filming or photographing only for their own personal or family use. 

b) Employees of print or electronic news media when filming on-going news events.

c) Filming or photography activities conducted for use in a criminal investigation or civil or criminal court proceeding

d) Agencies and employees associated with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.

e) Filming for student film projects, educational videos, and documentaries about the Tribe.

f) Travel, fishing, outdoor, and other similar filming or photography projects

g) Government agency films

h) Enrolled members of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.

i) Businesses that are majority owned by an enrolled member of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.

For more information about the Pyramid Lake Film and Photography Policy or questions concerning the application process please contact the Tribal Secretary at 775-574-1000 ext 1101 or