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Water Resources


GIS Data/Map Request Form

Pyramid Lake Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Program

The Pyramid Lake Department of Water Resources has been applying GIS operations since 1995 when it created and developed its GIS operations. GIS is defined as a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, storing, updating, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. A geographic information system is a system for management, analysis, and display of geographic knowledge, which is represented using a series of information sets such as maps and globes, geographic data sets, processing and work flow models, data models, and metadata. A GIS can produce information that answers specific questions and allows you to share that information with others. By visualizing relationships, connections, and patterns in data, informed decisions can be made to increase efficiency throughout an organization.


  • Continued development of Tribal GIS baseline data: roads, streams, land assignments, irrigated fields, ditches, lake bathymetry, residential areas, property status, and supporting metadata.

  • Global Positioning System (GPS) surveying: fee and tribal property boundaries, roads, residential lots, irrigated acreage, ditches, and other areas needed upon request.

  • Developing GPS point data and line data for natural resource management and GIS conversions.

  • GIS Development for other Tribal Programs: PL Environmental, PL Housing Authority, PL Economic Development, and PL Fisheries.

  • GIS curriculum development for Pyramid Lake High School (PLHS).

  • Annual GIS Day activities at PLHS.

  • GIS and other technical support for tribal departments.

  • Developing maps and other GIS resources for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe website.

  • To contact us:

    Mervin Wright, Jr., GIS Specialist
    Pyramid Lake Department of Water Resources
    210 Capitol Hill
    P. O. Box 256
    Nixon, NV 89424
    Phone: (775) 574-1050 x19
    Fax: (775) 574-1025
    Email: Mervin Wright, Jr.