| The Pyramid Lake Tribal Court strives to serve the public and foster a friendly accessible environment, treating all individuals with dignity, respect, honesty and fairness. The Tribal Court is dedicated to promoting the health safety, welfare and peace of the people of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation by enforcing the laws governing the conduct of members and non-members within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation. The Tribal Court will aspire to achieve trust, respect and partnership with the community, local and regional agencies. The Pyramid Lake Tribal Court handles Criminal, Civil, Juvenile, Traffic and Fishing & Hunting cases. . We are currently working on getting Tribal Court forms on this website. Stay tune. The Prosecutor and Defense Advocate are available one (1) hour before each court hearing to confer with clients.Application To Practice Law Before the Pyramid Lake Tribal Court has been added to the forms list (05/04/2015). This application must be completed and submitted with all required signtures, necessary ducments and required fee. Upon submittal, the application will be submitted to the Judge for approval. You will not receive a copy unless requested. Any additional information, please contact the Court Administrator, Anthony Asetamy at aasetamy@plpt.nsn.us or call (775) 574-1094. Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Payments: Cashier's checks or money orders and cash (exact amounts, the court does not have change) are accepted and payable to: Pyramid Lake Tribal Court. Mail Payments to: Pyramid Lake Tribal Court, PO Box 257, Nixon NV 89424 See our information on To contact us: |