
Home Departments

Mission Statement

To assist the tribe in preserving its right to protect and control the cultural and political integrity of tribal reservation homelands.

To assert the sovereign regulatory authority of the tribe and to establish government-to-government relationships with state and federal agencies concerning co-management of land and property resources.

To protect newly acquired lands in a manner that demonstrates the best interests of the tribe and it's members.

Strive to be more effective and efficient in protecting the assets of the tribe to include all real property owned by the tribe on and off the reservation while maximizing the revenue stream and creating economic development for our tribal members and future generations.

Land For Rent (DePaoli Ranch)

RV Park Update

The Marina RV Park is located in Sutcliffe, NV. The rates are $550.00 a month, $200.00 a week and $40.00 a night. We also have a dump station for the price of $10.00. This Park features both short-term and long-term occupancy.

The I-80 RV Park is located in Wadsworth, NV. The rates are $450.00 a month, $200.00 a week and $40.00 a night. This Park is operated with a 90-day maximum stay policy to insure a multitude of visitors are given the opportunity to visit.

The Big Bend RV Park is located in Wadsworth, NV. The Rates are $450.00 a month, $200.00 a week and $40.00 a night. This Park is also operated with a 90-day maximum stay policy


Cara Tibaduiza
Property Manager
Phone: (775) 575-2185
Cell: (775) 224-1310

Jolene Henry
Office Manager
Phone: 775-575-2185
Cell: 775-686-9655

Loren Decker
Maintenance Supervisor
Cell: (775) 560-8716

Hours of Operations
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Physical Address:
Big Bend - 101 Ranch Rd
Wadsworth, NV 89442
Mailing Address:
PO Box 993
Nixon, NV 89424


Facebook link