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Pyramid Lake Permit Pricing

Permits may now be securely purchased online.

Use Permits
Daily Boating.......................$ 26.00
Daily Jet Ski........................$ 54.00
Day Use*.............................$ 22.00
Day Use - 3 Day...................$ 56.00
Boating - 3 Day....................$ 66.00
Jet Ski - 3 Day.....................$ 136.00

Overnight Camping**.............$ 32.00
3 Day Overnight Camping**....$ 82.00

Fishing Permits
Daily Fishing....................$ 24.00
3 Day Fishing....................$62.00
Second Rod - Daily............$24.00
Second Rod - 3 Day...........$62.00

Youth (12-17) Fishing Permits
Daily.............................$ 12.00

NOTE: Vendors may charge an additional administrative fee up to $1.00

* Day Use from sunrise to sunset
** Per vehicle, per night; valid until 11am the next day