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Permit Vendors (updated 1/15/2020)

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Pyramid Lake Fisheries Website

2019-20 PL Regulations Book (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required. File size 5 MB )

Lahontan Cutthroat Trout

    The total daily TROUT limit is 2 FISH:
  1. One 17" to 20" and one 24" & longer
  2. OR two fish 17" to 20".
  3. Only 1 fish over 24" allowed in possession .

    No trout less than 17" or between 20" and 24" are allowed in possession (in order to protect more large fish for spawning and to produce more trophy size fish!)

Permits may now be securely purchased online

Select links on the left to view regulations, purchase permits,
and submit fishing survey

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Welcome to the Ranger Station of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.
We were established to protect and preserve all lands within
the boundary of the reservation

For both tribal members and visitors alike, it is our duty to see that safety guidelines and closed area access are followed in order to preserve tribal lands for future generations.

  • Pyramid Lake Tribal Code and Regulations and fines have been updated.
  • Vehicles must be parked 250 feet away from all launching facilities as per regulation 1.18.4, that ONLY Emergency Vehicles are allowed to park next to the docks and launching area. Failure to comply is a $100 citation fine.

    Check the links to the left for the current information.

    Please note the Filming and Photography Policies
    Filming & Photography Policies

    Ranger Station
    2500 Lakeview Dr.
    Sutcliffe, NV. 89510

    Phone: 775-476-1155
    Email: plrangers@plpt.nsn.us

    RV Park Update

    The Marina RV in Sutcliffe is now under the management of the Realty Department, but people can pay at the Ranger Station for the RV sites. Also the rates are $550.00 a month, $200.00 a week and $50.00 a night.

    The I-80 RV park in Wadsworth is also managed by the Realty Department. The rates are $450.00 a month, $200.00 a week and $40.00 a night. Also I don't have any burning man specials at the park.


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