

Water Resources

GIS Program

Irrigation Preliminary DRAFT Ordinance

The Department of Water Resources is preparing for the 2013 Irrigation Season which is scheduled  to start April 15, 2013.  This year is going to be a severe drought season with snowpack well below the average.  In order to make it through the season the Department will be taking extra measurements on deliveries in order to insure that all irrigators will be getting their full entitlement.

The Water Resource Board has directed the staff to obtain public comment on a new proposed Irrigation before they take action and make recommendation to the Tribal Council. The Irrigation Preliminary DRAFT Ordinance is provided for your review and comment  to the Water Resource Board.  A new ordinance will not go into effect in the 2014 Water Year.

Please send your comments by April 30, 2013 to the:

Department of Water Resource
Attn: John Jackson, jwjackson@plpt.nsn.us
PO Box 256, Nixon NV 89424