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Pyramid Lake

Fish & Wildlife at Pyramid Lake

The Pyramid Lake Reservation has an abundance of fish and wildlife. When you visit us, be sure to stop by the Pyramid Lake Museum in Nixon at the south end of the lake. There you will find many examples of the fish and wildlife here at Pyramid Lake.

Pyramid Lake Museum

Pyramid Lake is home to the ancient Cui-ui fish and the world famous Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. We have Fish hatcheries and spawning sites for you to visit. Be sure to check out the Pyramid Lake Fisheries website for more information and visitor hours.

Ancient Cui-ui

Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
Anaho Island is a designated wildlife refuge and access is closed to visitors. It is a primary breeding site for the American White Pelican. These birds can be seen gliding along the shores in the summer and fishing the waters. They have wing spans up to 9 feet and can extend up to 5 feet in length. The US Fish & Wildlife Service has a good website with a slide show.
Anaho Island

American White Pelican

Visit the Pyramid Lake Photo Gallery and see the slideshow of the fish and wildlife at Pyramid Lake.

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Copyright © 1996-2005 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Last updated June 14, 2005